Dept. of Automation Engineering
Alexander Technological Education Institute of Thessaloniki
57400, Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel.:(+30) 2310 013056
E-mail: tsagaris@autom.teithe.gr
2014 – 2016, PostDoc, Development of a
knowledge collection methodology by capturing and processing finger-movements /
gestures and voice commands, through multimodal physical interaction interfaces
using recognition technologies as well as integration of data from signal
recording through sensors.
2010 – 2014, Phd, Real Time Finger Gesture
Recognition for Human Robot Interaction: Application on control of mechatronic
system, University of Macedonia – Economics and social sciences - Department of
applied informatics
2007-2010, Med in Adult Education, Open
University of Patra, Greece
2005-2007, Msc in Mechatronics, University
Polytechnic of Catalunia (UPC), Spain
2003-2005, MSc in Design of Interactive
and Industrial product and systems, Aegean University, Greece
2004-2005, Dipl. in School of Pedagogical
and Technological Education, School of Pedagogical and Technological Education,
1989- 4/1994, Automation Engineer,
Technological Institute of Thessaloniki
‘15 – Today, Assistant Professor in
Human Mechatronic Systems – Robotics Interaction at Department of Automation in
A.T.E.I. of Thessaloniki
March ‘17- September ’17, October ’17 –
February ’18, Assistant Professor teaching at Department of Mechanical
Engineering in TEI of West Macedonia, Kozani, Greece
October ’16 – February ’17, March ‘17-
September ’17, October ’17 – February ’18, Assistant Professor teaching at
Department of Business Administration in
A.T.E.I. of Thessaloniki
March ‘17- September ’17, March ‘17-
September ’17, Assistant Professor teaching at Department of Agriculture in
A.T.E.I. of Thessaloniki
October ‘15- February ’16, October ‘16-
February ’17, Assistant Professor teaching at Department of applied informatics
in University of Macedonia
March ‘08 – November ‘15, Lecturer in Robotics and CAD/CAM/CAE systems
at Department of Automation in A.T.E.I. of Thessaloniki
September ‘06 – September ’07, Part – time
Lecturer in CIM systems at Department of Industrial Design in T.E.I. of West
Macedonia (Kozani)
July ’02 – March ’08, Technical staff
specialized on automation systems at Automation Department in A.T.E.I. of
March ’99 – July ‘ 02, TITAN Cement Company, Automation Engineer -
Responsible for automation systems and Information technology
January ’96 – March ’99, SATO Office furniture company, Automation
Engineer – Industrial Designer - Responsible for design of new product and
system in R&D Department
12/2017- Today: Head of the Industrial
Automation and Mechatronic Sector of Courses in the Automation Department of
the TEI of Thessaloniki.
Member of Greek Computer Society
(Registration Number 3593)
Member of Scientific Union of
Technological Education Mechanics
Member of the Greek Logistics Society
Certified Educator ECDL CTP and CTP TUTOR
09/2010-08/2011: Deputy Head of the
Electronic Sector of Courses in the Automation Department of the TEI of
2009-today: Head of course and exams
programming for the Automation Department of the TEI of Thessaloniki
2005-today: Scientific coordinator of the
TEI of Thessaloniki for the education and certification in computer skills
organized by the Automation Department which leads to the Computer Certificate
Skills of Cambridge University.
2009-2010: Member of the Supplies
Committee for the School of Technological Applications of the TEI of
Fields of
interaction with mechatronic systems, PLC, SCADA, CAD/CAM/CAM, Robotics,
Artificient Intelligent.
Tsagaris A., Manitsaris S.,
Manitsaris A. (2014), Methodology for
real time gesture control of mechatronic systems with semi-closed palm. (Patent
No. 1008335)
Supervision of
doctoral theses
in committees for the examination of doctoral theses
Apostolos Tsagaris (2016), Robotics
introduction with Lego Mindstorms ISBN 978-960-93-8488-9
Journal Papers
Tsagaris A., Stampoulis K.,
Kyratsis P. (2017), Hand Finger Gesture Modeling In Advanced Cad System,
Journal Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Vol: 15, No: 3,
Tsagaris A., Mansour G., Sagris D.
(2017), CMM path planning, position and orientation optimization by means of a
hybrid algorithm, International Review
of Mechanical Engineering (IREME), Vol:11, No:02
Kyratsis Panagiotis, Efkolidis Nikolaos, Manavis
Athanasios, and Tsagaris Apostolos, (2015), Design for Skin and Shape:
An Innovative Design Approach, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 809-810
(2015) pp 1311-1316.
4. Kyratsis P.,
Taousanidis N., Tsagaris A., Kakoulis K. (2015), Drilling Mathematical
Models Using the Response Surface Methodology, International Journal of
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMME-IJENS, Vol:15, No:06
Mansour G., Tsagaris A., Mansour T.M.. (2015), Intelligent interaction with
CMM, International Journal of Mechanical
& Mechatronics Engineering IJMME-IJENS, Vol:15, No:03
A., Tzetzis D, Mansour G.,
Hatzikos E. and Kyratsis P. (2015), Improving the Tensile Strength of a Novel
Double Hook Design Manufactured by Nanosilica Epoxy Reinforced Aramid/Carbon
Composites, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 760 (2015) pp 3-8
S., Tsagaris A., Dimitropoulos K., Manitsaris A., Denby B., (2015),
"A visual perception of finger musical gestures in 3D space without any
tangible instrument for performing arts", The International Journal of
Art and Technology, Vol:8, No:01
A., Kokkinidis K.,
Manitsaris A. (2015), Intelligent speech interaction with Mechatronic system
using HMM, International Journal of
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMME-IJENS, Vol:15, No:01
A., Hatzikos E. (2014),
“Implementation of Enviromental Monitoring System with PLC and SCADA”, International Journal of Mechanical &
Mechatronics Engineering IJMME-IJENS, Vol:14, No:06
10. Tsagaris Α (2013) “Integration of Robot ARM Into
CAD/CAM and CNC Machining Systems”, International Journal of Product Design
(IJPD), Jul-Dec. 2013 issue.
Α, Manitsaris S.,
(2013) “Color space comparison for skin detection in finger gesture
recognition”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering &
Technology (IJAET), Volume 6 Issue 4, pp. 1431-1441, Sept. 2013.
Mansour G., Tsagaris A., Sagris D., (2013), CNC
machining optimization by genetic algorithms using CAD based system, International
Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies, Vol. V, No. 1 / 2013
Kyratsis P., Efkolidis N., Sirganis K. and Tsagaris A.,
(2012), Environmental friendly material selection
using advanced cad systems, Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering,
Vol. 10, Issue 3/2012,
Tsagaris A., Efkolidis N., Stampoulis K. and Kyratsis P., (2012),
Reverse Engineering techniques integrated into Robotic system for surface
reconstruction, Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, Vol. 10,
Issue 3/2012, PP.113-118
15. Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., Theoharidis S., Tsagaris A., (2012), “CAD based material selection for
sustainable”,The International Journal of Engineering Research and
Development (IJERD), ISSN: 2278-067X, Volume 1, Issue 8 (June 2012),
16. Tsagaris, A., Kyratsis, P., Stamboulis K., Dinopoulou, V., (2011),
“Optimization of automatic storage system using genetic algorithms controlled
by PLC and SCADA” , The Cyprus Journal of Sciences, Vol. 9, 2011/59-69.
17. Tsagaris, Α., (2011), 'Familiarity of older adults
with the new technologies', The International Journal of Medicine, Vol.
, 2011/29. (In Greek)
Kyratsis, P.- Chatzigeorgiou, Ch.- Tsagkaris, A. -
Dinopoulou, V., (2010), 'Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) implementation
in conference tourism services', The Cyprus Journal of Sciences, Vol. 8,
Refereed International Conference
Tsagaris A., Mansour G. (2017),
Implementation of hybrid genetic and ant colony algorithm for CMM path
planning, 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering
(ICMEN2017), 5-6/10/2017, Thssaloniki, Greece
Sotiris Manitsaris, Apostolos Tsagaris, Alina
Glushkova, Fabien Moutarde, and Frédéric Bevilacqua. 2016. Fingers gestures
early-recognition with a unified framework for RGB or depth camera. In Proceedings
of the 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing (MOCO
'16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 26 , 8 pages. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2948910.2948947
K. Kokkinidis, A. Stergiaki, and A. Tsagaris.
2016. Error prooving and sensorimotor feedback for singing voice. In Proceedings
of the 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing(MOCO '16).
ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 32 , 4 pages. DOI:
Ioanna Simelli, Apostolos Tsagaris, (2015), The
use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) in Agriculture, 7th International
Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food
and Environment (HAICTA 2015), September 17-20, 2015, Kavala, Greece.
Chryssoula Chatzigeorgiou, Ioanna Simelli, Apostolos
Tsagaris, (2015), Bird watching and ecotourism: An innovative monitoring
system to project the species of Lesvos island to potential ecotourists, 7th
International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in
Agriculture, Food and Environment (HAICTA 2015), September 17-20, 2015, Kavala,
Kyratsis Panagiotis, Efkolidis Nikolaos, Manavis
Athanasios, and Tsagaris Apostolos, (2015), Design for Skin and Shape:
An Innovative Design Approach, Innovative Manufacturing Engineering International
Conference - IManE 2015 International Conference, May 21-22, 2015, Iaşi,
Tsagaris A., Tzetzis D, Mansour G., Hatzikos E. and Kyratsis
P. (2014), Improving the Tensile Strength of a Novel Double Hook Design
Manufactured by Nanosilica Epoxy Reinforced Aramid/Carbon Composites, 7th
International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies - ICAMaT &
Robotics & Polcom 2014, 23-24/10/2014, Bucharest, Romania
Tsagaris A., Mansour G. (2014), Optimizing mechatronic
system with the use of genetic algorithm's, 5th International Conference on
Manufacturing Engineering (ICMEN2014), 1-3/10/2014, Thssaloniki, Greece
Tsagaris A., (2014), Optimal control of storage system based
on intelligent techniques, 19th International Conference on Methods and Models
in Automation and Robotics (MMAR2014), 2-5/9/2014, Międzyzdroje, Poland
Tsagaris A., Triantafyllidis D., (2012), Data Monitoring
System for Supervising the Performance Assessment of a Photovoltaic Park , 13th
IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI 2012), 20-22/11/2012, Budapest,
Tsagaris A., Manitsaris S., Hatzikos E., Manitsaris A., (2012), Methodology for Finger gesture
control of Mechatronic systems, 15th International Conference Mechatronika
2012, December 5 – 7, 2012, Prague, Czech Republic.
Tsagaris A., Sagris D., Mansour G., (2012), Intelligent CAD
based system for CNC machine controlling by genetic algorithms, 16th
International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES 2012), 13/06
– 15/06/2012, Lissabon, Portugal.
Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., Tsagaris A., Kaleas G.,
Mexi E., Simelli I., (2012), Packaging and labeling design for touristic
promotion of Greek products, 2nd Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing
& Management Conference (AHTMMC 2012), 31/05 – 03/06/2012, Corfu, Greece .
Mansour G., Tsagaris A., Sagris D., (2012), CNC
machining optimization by genetic algorithms using CAD based system, in Procc.
Intern. Conf. Diagnosis and Prediction in Mechanical Engineering Systems,
DIPRE’12 (on CD), Galati, ROMANIA, May 31 st – June 1st 2012, ISSN 2285-1887.
15. S.
Manitsaris, A. Tsagaris, V. Matsoukas, and A. Manitsaris, (2012) “Vision
par ordinateur et apprentissage statistique : vers un instrument de musique
immatériel,” in Actes des Journées d’Informatique Musicale (JIM 2012), Mons,
Belgique, pp. 17-22. (In France)
16. Tsagaris
A., Manitsaris S., Dimitropoulos K., Manitsaris A., (2011),
Intelligent invariance techniques for music gesture recognition based on skin
modelling, 12th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and
Informatics (CINTI 2011), 21-22/11/2011,
Budapest, Hungary
Tsagaris A., Manitsaris S., Dimitropoulos K., Manitsaris A.,
(2011), Scale and Rotation invariance for the recognition of finger musical
gestures performed in space, European Workoshop on Visual Information
Processing (EUVIP 2011), 4-6/06/2011, Paris - France
Efkolidis N., Kyratsis P., Theoharidis S., Tsagaris
A., (2011), Product design for sustainability using advanced CAD systems, 2nd
International Exergy, Life Cycle Assessment, and Sustainability Workshop &
Symposium (ELCAS2), 19-21/06/2011, NISYROS – GREECE
Tsagaris A.- Tsirona E., (2010), Working with older adults
in Human Relationships and the use of Technology, First Conference of the ESREA
Network on Education and Learning of Older Adults (ELOA), Munich.
Tsagkaris A. - Τzouros Th. –Kyratsis P. –Tolis D. ,
(2010), Logistics in Health. Implementation management of medicines in a
psychiatric clinic, 1st International Conference in logistics, Katerini
Tsagkaris A. - Τzouros Th.–Patelis Α. –Tolis D.,
(2010), Logistics service in Greek Public Hospital. Myth or Reality? , 1st
International Conference in logistics, Katerini
Tolis D.– Kiriakidis G. -Tsagkaris A., (2010), A
new training approach in Logistics Training. The Blended learning method, 1st
International Conference in logistics, Katerini
Τzouros Th.-Tsagkaris A. – Patelis A. ,
(2010), Analysis and optimization of supply costs in Trikala General Hospital,
1st International Conference in logistics, Katerini
Τzouros Th.-Tsagkaris A. – Zamika Ch. ,
(2010), Comparative costs of public hospitals supply in region of Thessaly, 1st
International Conference in logistics, Katerini
Chatzigeorgiou Ch.- Kyratsis P. - Tsagkaris A.-
Dinopoulou V., (2009), Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) implementation
in agrotourism: A useful tool in services sector, 4th International Scientific
Conference, Rhodes.
26. Tsagkaris A.- Simelli I., (2009), E-learning in Agrotourism: Is it
possible?, 4th International Scientific Conference, Rhodes
Invited Teacher :
As an Assistant Professor at the
Technological Educational Institute, Dr. Tsagaris teach the lessons of Human
interaction with mechatronic systems, Robotics, CAD/CAM/CAE and CNC at 3rd
and 4th year of the studies in the Department of Automation. In
addition to classroom instruction, he has tutored students on appropriate
research topics, edited and evaluated their work. He teaches for non-typical
education courses for the industry, Automation systems and programming of PLC
and SCADA. He has worked for more than seven years in the industry in the field
of automation systems and CAD/CAM/CAE/CNC.